Monthly dances​​​​​​

​~Sunday, February 16, 2025,   1:30 plus tips, 2-4 p.m. mainstream dance, Mound @ Grandview Middle School, 1881 Commerce Blvd.  Caller: Tom Allen,  Cuer: Sarah Klaphake.   The theme is “Cowgirls Afternoon Out."   Potluck table open all afternoon.​

​~Sunday, March 16, 2025,  1:30 plus tips, 2-4 p.m. mainstream dance, Mound @ Grandview Middle School, 1881 Commerce Blvd.  Caller: Bryan Bush,  Cuer: Sarah Klaphake.  The theme is “Luck of the Irish." Potluck table open all afternoon.​
 ​​​​~Saturday, April 26, 2025,   6:20 p.m. potluck dinner, 7-7:30 plus tips, 7:30- 9:15 p.m. mainstream dance, Mound @ Grandview Middle School,  1881 Commerce Blvd. Caller: Brad Neutz   Round dancing with Sarah Klaphake.   The theme is “Easter Bunnies Gone Wild." Potluck table open all evening.

~Saturday, May 17, 2025,   6:20 p.m. potluck dinner, 7-7:30 plus tips, 7:30- 9:15 p.m. mainstream dance, Mound @ Grandview Middle School, 1881 Commerce Blvd. Caller: Ben Stokes    Line dancing with Beth Boatz.  The theme is "Salute the Veterans.”  Potluck table open all evening.

~Saturday, June 21, 2025, 7-7:30 plus tips, 7:30- 9:15 p.m. Mound @Shirley Hills Primary School, 2450 Wilshire Blvd.  Caller: Tom Allen. Cuer: Sarah Klaphake.  Potluck table open all evening.

​​​~Saturday, July 19, 2025,  7-7:30 plus tips, 7:30- 9:15 p.m. Mound @Shirley Hills Primary School, 2450 Wilshire Blvd.  Callers: Don & Doug Sprosty    Cuer: Doug Sprosty.  Potluck table open all evening. 
 ​​​​​​​​​​~Saturday, August 16,  2025, 7-7:30 plus tips, 7:30- 9:15 p.m. Mound @Shirley Hills Primary School, 2450 Wilshire Blvd..  Caller: TBA  Cuer: Sarah Klaphake.  Potluck table open all evening.

​​~Saturday, September 20,  2025  6:20 p.m. potluck dinner, 7-7:30 plus tips, 7:30- 9:15 p.m. mainstream dance, Mound @ Grandview Middle School, 1881 Commerce Blvd.  Caller: Tom Allen   Cuer: Sarah Klaphake  The theme is "Fall Frolics."  Potluck table open all evening.​

 ~Saturday, October 18, 2025   6:20 p.m. potluck dinner, 7-7:30 plus tips, 7:30- 9:15 p.m. mainstream dance, Mound @ Grandview Middle School, 1881 Commerce Blvd.  Caller: Ben Stokes  Cuer: Line dancing with Beth Boatz.  The theme is "Spooks and Goblins."  Potluck table open all evening. Line dancing with Beth Boatz. 

~Saturday, November 16, 2025  6:20 p.m. potluck dinner, 7-7:30 plus tips, 7:30- 9:15 p.m. mainstream dance, Mound @ Grandview Middle School, 1881 Commerce Blvd.  Caller: Lanny Weaklend  Cuer: Sarah Klaphake.  The theme is “Time to Give Thanks." Potluck table open all evening.
~Sunday, December 21, 2025 1:30 plus tips, 2-4 p.m. mainstream dance, Mound @ Grandview Middle School, 1881 Commerce Blvd.  Caller: Tom Allen,  Cuer: Sarah Klaphake.   The theme is "This is the Season." Potluck table open all afternoon.
~Sunday, January 18, 2026,  1:30-4 p.m. mainstream dance, Mound @ Grandview Middle School, 1881 Commerce Blvd.  Caller: Bill VanBergen   Cuer: Sarah Klaphake.   The theme is "TBA"  Potluck table open all afternoon.

Our club sponsors weekly square dance dances for beginners who want to try square dancing and BLAST Saturdays (a daylong class) for new people who want to learn to square dance!  Check out the "Learn to Dance" page. 
​Visitors (non-dancers or prospective danc​ers) are always welcome at our dances--no charge at the door!  The "all-you-can-eat-finger-food" potluck buffet at every dance isn't to be missed!  
In addition to dancing, we have a float in local parades, entertain at festivals or special activities, help groups learn to dance, attend plays or special events such as bingo night or  a prime rib dinner or a comedy show, enjoy a boat trip on Lake Minnetonka, and sometimes go bowling or hiking.

If you would like more information about square dancing or our club, send us an email or give us a call:  952-472-0006 between the hours of 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.  Membership is  inexpensive and yields a ton of fun year around!  We welcome your tax-deductible donations!


President: Jennifer Downs

Vice-President: John Sanko

Second Vice-President: Dee Scott
Secretary: Linda Oja
Treasurer: Judy Burdick
Committee coordinator: Becky Rong

Beverage chief: Curtis Frederickson

 Westonka Whirlers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization exempt from federal income tax and a member of Square Dance Minnesota, Inc.  Our mission is to promote and teach square dancing in all its heritage forms (by promoting square dancing and training new people in the activities of square dancing).

Westonka Whirlers is a Public Charity under Section 509(a)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code.  Contributions are deductible under Section 170 of the Code.  We are also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, legacies, devises, transfers or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Code.  Donors are requested to contact a Westonka officer prior to making a donation, other than cash in any form, so that the donation may be reviewed prior to acceptance due to the special obligations raised or liabilities it may pose for Westonka Whirlers.

Our Monday night dances are super fun!!!  Come join us.  Beginners welcome every week!

Lots of events are scheduled:
Mainstream workshop/dance & beginner dance—Mondays at The Gillespie Center, 2590 Commerce Blvd., Mound, 6-8:15 p.m.  Mainstream workshop from 6-7 p.m. "Beginners" dance at 7  p.m. Learn the ABCs of square dancing.  Check out the flyer on the "Learn to Dance" page.

About the Westonka Whirlers! See schedule below.

Westonka Whirlers is a very active square dance club on the west side of the metro area in Mound, Minnesota, (just 20 miles west of Minneapolis, Minnesota) and our members are from all over the state.  Square dancing is all about having fun, and we've been doing it for fifty-five years!  

If you're looking to join square dancing, we'd love to have you join us.  If you're wanting to learn to square dance, contact us! If you'd like to have beginner square dancing at your event, be it a birthday party, a yard party, an anniversary, a driveway dance, a wedding dance, let us know. We'll help you have lots fun!

Our regular dances are the third Saturday in April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November,  and the third Sunday in December, January, February, and March at Grandview Middle School, 1881 Commerce Blvd., in Mound.

About Us